Illustrated Manual of Medical Plants (eng)

Lovers of  botanical art will be delighted by the “Illustrated Manual of Medical Plants” from Iwasaki Kan’en (1786−1842), is considered the first full-scale botanical art book in Japan. It was published in the late Edo period and comprises 92 volumes with more than 1,900 varieties of plants. It is one of the resources available in …

Llegeix mésIllustrated Manual of Medical Plants (eng)


Rightly involved in a project to put Art at the service of a cause, “Artivism, the power of artistic languages for political communication and activism”, by Antoni Gutiérrez Rubí, falls into our hands, which perhaps does not seem to have much to see, but that also speaks of similarity: transmitting the need for specific policies, …

Llegeix mésArtivism