Beauty matters. It is not just a subjective thing,
but a universal need of human being
” ( Robert Scruton )

Catalonia has approximately 3,600 native plant species, some of which are endemic. In other words they exist nowhere else in the world. 109 of these, some 9% of the total, are threatened with extinction. Furthermore, it is estimated that 37 of them could disappear in the very near future.

Albert Einstein said that “everything that man ignores does not exist for him”, meaningan individual’s universe is limited to the size of his knowledge. You can’t fight to defend something if you’re unaware of its existence.

The book “Ars et Flora” originated as the first step in a project which aims to raise awareness of our botanical heritage among a non-specialist audience. Specifically we wish to highlight the pligth of certain plants which are on the brink of extinction. Our aim is to examine the root causes of the problem and the pressing need to act now to protect them from the environmental crisis, in a visually attractive, committed and responsible way, emphasizing both ethical and artistic aspects.

It is a collaborative project that has encouraged us to start working together, convinced that the outcome will be worth the effort and that we will be able to make the book possible with your support through the crowd funding campaign which will be launched shortly.

Our project aims to use art as a means of communication not only because the majority of the team are artistic backgrounds, but because we beleive in a form of art rootedin reality, with the aim of involving the public and establishing a direct dialogue not with clients and consumers , but with collaborators who participate in the process and who share our objectives.

In 2015, the UN approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, an opportunity for countries and their societies to embark on a new path to improve everyone’s life, leaving no one behind. The Agenda has 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which range from the elimination of poverty to the fight against climate change, education, women’s equality, the defense of the environment or the design of our cities. At Ars et Flora we support the 2030 Agenda and we are firmly committed to some of the goals:

ODS 15: Life on Land, focusing on the safeguarding of the plant heritage by identifying the species that require urgent attention and doing everything possible to stop the destruction of their natural habitats.

ODS 4: Quality education. You can’t fight to defend what you don’t know exists. Both the book, as well as the exhibitions the talks and training actions that we intend to launch are aimed at informing and training, facilitating access to information that, due to the dynamics of the markets and the media, is restricted in many cases to scientists areas when they should be in the public domain, and because we want to raise awareness about the consequences of habits that have a serious impact on the flora and that many times we do not correct due to simple ignorance.

ODS 12 Responsible comsumption and production promoting sustainable management, the efficient use of natural resources and the ecologically rational management of chemicals in production and consumption practices to minimize their impact on flora in general and on threatened flora in particular .

ODS 17 Partnerships for the goals. Our work methodology involves the promotion of teamwork and cooperation activities both internally, as well as with schools, educational spaces, organizations, associations and organized citizens who work for the protection of the flora, as well as with the private sector. Sharing knowledge, experience and resources is what should allow us to create awareness of the plant heritage for which we are responsible and promote the social responsibility of companies in this area.

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Oscar Wilde said that "all art is absolutely useless." If only the useful has value, what is the value of beauty?

Scruton's answer is that beauty has an infinitely greater value than utility: it is necessary, as are other "useless" things like love or friendship.

Robert Scruton ("Beauty. A Very Short Introduction" )