Daphne Alpina (eng)

Daphne Alpina
Daphne alpina – @José Quiles

Daphne Alpina’s name is probably inspired by the legend of Apollo and Daphne, the nymph turned laurel by her father and whose name, in Greek, means exactly this: “Laurel”, with which the leaves of the Daphne seem to bear a great resemblance.

The Daphne Alpina was first described by Carl Linnaaeus. Some argue that he was who gave it its name, although “Daphne”, the name of the genus, is already mentioned in the first century by Dioscórides.

It is a shrub that blooms in spring or late winter, its flowers emit a very fragrant aroma, similar to vanilla, which is felt at a great distance and its berries are poisonous.

It is another of the endangered plants, and you can see here the illustration of Helena Pérez García that will appear in the book.


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