Would you like to be part of the project?
Here’s how!:

Ars et flora is a collaborative project that will be funded through a crowd funding campaign and this means that whether you’re an individual, a company or an organization, we would greatly appreciate your support.

Everyone who collaborates on the project buying a book will have their name printed in the book and will be credited on the website.

We believe that there is a different way to create and conduct business. As consumers we have the power to decide what we buy, and today we have an unprecedented position of responsibility and power. Let’s exercise it.

You can find details of the various ways to participate in this exiting project on our website.

Follow us on social media and we will keep you posted.

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(Download our Press Kit in PDF format from the controls at the bottom of the document)

Send us your contact data

Sign up directly in VERKAMI

and we will notify you when the campaign starts.

The collaboration proposals that we present to you are just that: sample proposals that you can combine and customize. We would therefore like to hear your suggestions and help you adapt them to your interests and needs.