The list of vascular flora in Catalonia comprises approximately 3,600 autochthonous species and subspecies. According to the sources consulted between 7% and 11% of the plants are threatened. The extinction of 17 plants is confirmed and it is estimated that 37 species of the 109 classified in danger of extinction, could disappear in a short time.
Among the various works that collect the biodiversity of the territory, we would highlight the 4 volumes of “Flora of the Catalan Countries” by Oriol de Bolós and Josep Vigo, or “Flora Manual of the Catalan Countries”, which is a practical manual aimed at recognizing all vascular plants.
Less current, but a small wonder are the 6 volumes of “Flora of Catalonia” by Joan Cadevall, free of rights and accessible on the internet both for consultation and for download in pdf or epub format on the website of
From the Flora Catalana website it is possible to download the 6 volumes of the 1936 edition in pdf.